

ANCE: For the creation of a national financial prosecutor's office in Togo

Corruption, a fundamental global problem, is increasingly corroding States and enslaving their various development policies. It seriously harms the judicial system.

Corruption & Access to Information in Africa

On the occasion of the International Day for Universal Access to Information. [28th September] 
Blog/ Article: Published by Regional Hubs. (Right after 28th September) (Appx. 500-800 words)

ANCE-TOGO is providing civil society organisations tools about best practices in the fight against green corruption

Alliance Nationale des Consommateurs et de l'Environnement (ANCE-TOGO), Transparency International's representative in Togo, has been gathering fifteen representatives of civil society organisations at its headquarters in Lomé since Thursday for a two (2) day training workshop on mitigating climate change by fighting corruption in the wildlife sector.

ANCE-TOGO is building the capacity of journalists to contribute to the fight against green corruption

The Alliance Nationale des Consommateurs et de l'Environnement (ANCE-TOGO) brought together journalists from Togo's private media for a capacity-building session on green corruption at the Hôtel La Concorde in Lomé on May 30 and 31, 2024.

ANCE-TOGO, which coordinates Transparency International's West Africa Hub, provided the fifteen of participants with the opportunity to learn about green corruption and the international, regional and national legal instruments used to combat climate change and illegal wildlife trade.

Legislative and regional elections: ANCE-Togo calls for respect of electoral integrity

In this sensitive period when electoral campaigns are taking place on the national territory in view of the legislative and regional elections of April 29, 2024, ANCE-Togo urges the entire political community to respect electoral integrity.

ANCE-TOGO: Parliamentary Republic can strengthen governance, transparency and the fight against corruption

On Friday, April 19, 2024, Togo's National Assembly adopted the proposed constitutional amendment to change the country's system of government from a semi-presidential regime to a Parliamentary Republic.

Press release

Biography of the President

Dr Fabrice Kodjo Ebeh is an international anti-corruption expert. He is specialized in international and regional anti-corruption legal instruments, the fight against money laundering and illicit financial flows. With over twenty (20)
years' experience, Dr Fabrice has carried out several international technical assistance missions for intergovernmental organizations, United Nations agencies, countries and foundations.

ANCE takes part in the Second Structured Dialogue between Team Europe and CSOs

Our President, Dr Fabrice Ebeh, took part today to the 2nd structured dialogue between Team Europe and Togo's civil society. The meeting took place at the Hôtel Onomo in Lomé and brought together about forty CSOs. It was co-chaired by the Heads of the Cooperation Sections of the EU Delegation, the German Embassy and the French Embassy.

Launch of CPI 2023: ANCE calls on government to strengthen anti-corruption efforts

This year’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) shows mixed results in Africa, with significant improvements in a few countries. However, most African countries experienced stagnation, maintaining the region’s consistently poor performance, with an unaltered regional average score of 33 out of 100. Ninety per cent of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa scored under 50.

ANCE takes part in structured EU-CSO dialogue

In Togo, exchanges between European cooperation and civil society organisations (CSOs) will henceforth take place within a much more organised framework. Long called for by CSOs, the first session of structured dialogue between the European Union (EU) and its Member States with civil society organisations was held on Wednesday 14 June in Lomé. 

ANCE-Togo facilitated the establishment of the Network of Women's Organisations against Corruption (ROFECC) in Togo

On Friday 21st October, 2022, ANCE-TOGO facilitated the adoption of the action plan of the Network of Women's Organisations against Corruption (ROFECC) in Togo that we set up the day before.

The Government of Togo adopted the National Strategy for the Fight against Corruption (2022-2026)

Our President and Founder, Fabrice Kodjo EBEH, PhD, participated yesterday, October 13, 2022, as part of the consultants team who facilitated the process of the development of the National Strategy for the Prevention of and Fight against Corruption in Togo (2022-2026), to the national workshop that led to the validation of this document at the Hotel 2 Février in Lomé.

Fabrice Kodjo EBEH, PhD joined the International Transparency Working Group OF GIFT

We are very glad that our Founding President, Fabrice Kodjo EBEH, PhD, has been appointed as a member of the prestigious International Transparency Working Group (TWG) of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT).

Dr. Kodjo Fabrice Ebeh awarded Gender & Development Ambassador 2022

Dr. Kodjo Fabrice Ebeh, has been awarded Gender & Development Ambassador 2022 for his outstanding commitment to gender & corruption issues in Togo during the year 2022. This award as well as a certificate were given to him on 28 January 2023 at the Hotel 2 Février in Lomé during the 8th National Women's Leadership Summit (SNLF).

Release of the Audit Report on the management of COVID funds in Togo

ANCE-Togo congratulates the Court of Auditors of Togo for the publication of the Audit Report of the Covid-19 Response and Solidarity Fund (FRSC), 2020 Management and invites the government to strictly implement all the Court's recommendations.

Launch of the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2022

ANCE-TOGO invites the government of Togo to start without delay the implementation of the National Strategy for the Fight against Corruption and Related Offences (SNLCIA) to strengthen anti-corruption efforts in Togo. 

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